Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities Header

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with DPS!

We value and welcome family involvement in our schools! All of our schools are in need of volunteers to help support students and staff. Browse through the open opportunities below to find something you are interested in.

The following activities will not require a volunteer application:

  • Having lunch with your student

  • Attending class or school events, such as:

    • Holiday or classroom parties

    • Field Day

    • School assemblies or performances

    • Parent night or open house events

    • Awards ceremonies

  • Attending sporting events or extracurricular activities as a spectator

  • Participating in school fundraisers as a customer (e.g., purchasing from a bake sale or book fair, attending a fundraising event)

  • Dropping off or picking up items for your student (e.g., forgotten lunches, school supplies, or projects)

  • Attending PTO/PTA meetings or parent advisory councils

Volunteer Levels

Volunteer Screening Policy

Georgia Law O.C.G.A. § 35-3-34.2 mandates that volunteers who may have unsupervised access to children must undergo a fingerprint screening, including a query through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) for their criminal history. 

Dalton Public Schools classify volunteers into three levels based on the duties they will perform. Each volunteer must fulfill the requirements pertinent to their designated level. 

Volunteer Approval Procedures 

  1. Identify the appropriate volunteer level (refer to the classifications below). 

  1. Complete the required documentation for the respective volunteer level. 

  1. Submit the completed documents via the Volunteer Interest Form

  1. Await approval notification from the school designee prior to commencing volunteer activities. 

For the safety of our students, parents are asked not to arrive unannounced at field trip destinations. All adult volunteers accompanying or interacting with students on field trips must be approved through the proper process as outlined below. 

Level 1 Volunteers

Level 1 Volunteers are non-district personnel who will not have unsupervised or direct interaction with students. 

Examples: Classroom readers, high school student mentors, career day speakers with school/district personnel present at all times, outside student agency representatives with parent release. 

Level 2 Volunteers

Level 2 Volunteers are non-district personnel who interact with students, with or without other adults present. 

Examples: Band chaperones, one-day field trip chaperones, book fair volunteers, classroom helpers, in-class tutors, field experience students, retired educators supervising students, and local bus route chaperones. 

Level 3 Volunteers

Level 3 Volunteers are non-district personnel who will have direct, unsupervised interaction with students or who will handle or verify funds. 

Examples: Community athletic coaches, chaperones for overnight field trips, mentors, individuals handling and verifying funds, individuals assisting with programs requiring Cogent Fingerprinting, and individuals with unsupervised interaction with students. 

Facts & Questions (FAQ's)